Objectives of the FPD-Include Project

Below are the core objectives guiding the FPD-Include project:

  1.  Promote Inclusiveness and Cultural Responsiveness: Our aim is to integrate inclusiveness and cultural sensitivity deeply into pharmacy education to encourage equity, accessibility, and patient-centered care discussions.

  2. Develop COIL for Pharmacy Educators: We plan to launch a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) platform for educators, focusing on inclusive teaching methods and equipping them with the necessary tools for accessible learning environments.

  3. Create an Open Access Digital Toolkit: An open access toolkit will be developed to provide educators with practical resources and strategies for inclusive and culturally responsive teaching.

  4. Establish a Community of Practice: A dynamic community of practice among pharmacy educators will be formed to share experiences and best practices for inclusive teaching.

  5. Increase Adoption of Inclusive Practices: The ultimate goal is to encourage more pharmacy institutions to adopt inclusive teaching practices, ensuring a culturally responsive and inclusive pharmacy education for all students.